
Law 20

Page history last edited by abogado 15 years ago



LAW 20 - Basic Probate Procedures

Course Syllabus


Student Responsibility: Our online law program requires a comprehensive and complete understanding of a number of details, procedures and information. Students are assumed to have carefully read all of our procedures and policies located at our "Welcome Message" at http://welcome.pbwiki.com - which is a comprehesive collection of materials for our program. Students are held fully responsible for information contained at this central location. Students must login to their online class and post their introduction and first set of assignments within a week from the start of the semester or session or they may be excluded and dropped from class, and not permitted to enter the moodle classroom.


Course Assignments:  The assignments for each class and the due dates are located at duedates for each class. If there is a "conflict" between the due dates and the moodle class assignments, quizzes, forums, text and materials, the  moodle materials will "over rule" if there are differences with the duedates.



see information on your instructor including website, office hours, phone no. etc. http://lamission.edu/law/lawfaculty.htm



Catalog: Law 20- Basic Probate Procedures is a study of the fundamental principles and methods for gathering, office procedures, and required court work involved in the handling of probates of both testate and intestate decedents, as well as the Administration of estates in California Probate Courts. Read Due Dates and Get Started.


The student will prepare all of the forms related to the probate of an estate, including the issuing of Letters Testamentary, Inventory and Appraisement, Petition and Order of Probate, and accounting. 



"How to Probate an Estate in California", Nolo Press, Julia Nissley, see textbook information at http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks. Available in the Campus Bookstore, or order online 



By the end of the class, students will be able to:


1. demonstrate their knowledge in the substantive law and procedures of Probate Law including Overview of Probate, first steps in handling an estate, heirs and beneficiaries, decedents estates, schedule of assets and debts, identifing best transfer procedure, taxes, Duties of the Administrator, transferring title to real property, transfer of securities, oint tenancy property, transferring small estates, transferring trust property, Conducting a simple probate, preparing all of the probate forms necessary to distribute moneys and assets of an California estate


2. "think critically" in law, and in the area of probate law


3. brief a law case in probate late


4. prepare certain legal documents, forms or papers in the area of Probate Law and Procedures. 



The class will be composed of quizzes, postings to an "electronic bulletin board" - threaded discussions, and hyupothetical case discussions and written projects, including the preparation of probate court forms.

A =  90-100 percent of total points

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = Below 60

Distribution of Grades

Tests - 25% of your grade

Assignments - 25% of your grade

Probate Forms - 40% of your grade

Discussion Forums - 10% of your grade - entered at the end of the session

The class follows strict deadline due dates, and the student should print out the "Due Dates" for this class, and ensure that all deadlines are kept. - click here., Students should also read carefully and understand our program's policies on "late assignments", plagiarism, Important College dates, and grading rubrics - click here.


Office Hours: see Faculty page at http://lamission.edu/law/lawfaculty.htm - Office Hours, Mon. - Friday 9-5 pm at the Office Telephone number of each Faculty member, or upon special appointment - email the faculty member for your appointment date and time.


Course Structure: This course will be offered through a course management system. To login to your class go to the Mission College online portal at http://lamission.edu/online .




EXTRA CREDIT: Since the law is in constant change, along with the advent of the Internet, issues may arise that are timely and germane to our class. Therefore, opportunities may arise during the term that allow for extra credit, although no extra credit is presently offered.


INCOMPLETE: If you require a grade of "incomplete," you must advise me as soon as possible and discuss the terms of its removal.


ACADEMIC HONESTY: Academic honesty is highly valued at Mission College, just as it is at all colleges and universities. A student must always submit work that represents his or her original words or ideas. If any words or ideas are used that do not represent the student's original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources. The student should also make it clear to what extent such sources were used. Words or ideas that require citations include, but are not limited to, all hard copy or electronic publications, whether copyrighted or not, and all verbal or visual communications when the content of such communications clearly originates from an identifiable source. All submissions to any public meeting or private mailbox fall within the scope of words and ideas that require citations if used by someone other than the original author.


Course Assignments: see links at http://duedates.pbwiki.com


Course Evaluation:

The final grade will be determined by: averaging quizzes, discussion questions and written assignments, each assigned 100 or more points.


* This syllabus is subject to change. Please note revision dates ("updated") above. Students are responsible for the most recent updated version of this syllabus.


Reasonable Accommodations:  If you are a student with a disability and require online class accommodations, please see Prof. Jordan an email to discuss arrangements.  The sooner we are aware that you are eligible for accommodations, the quicker we will be able to provide them.  If you have not done so already, you may also wish to contact the DSP&S Office in Instructional Building 1018 (phone 818/364-7732 TTD 818/364-7861). There website and resources are located at http://www.lamission.edu/dsps/


For students requiring accommodations, the DSP&S Office at Mission College provides special assistance in areas like: registering for courses, specialized tutoring, note-taking, mobility assistance, special instruction, testing assistance, special equipment, special materials, instructor communications, community referrals and job placement.


Updated: 11-12-09




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